BENGALURU: Karnataka police on Saturday arrested Atul Subash’s estranged wife, her mother and brother in connection withe the suicide of the techie. Subhash ended his life due to alleged harassment by his wife and her family, leaving behind a 25-page death note on December 9. The accused have been identified as Nikita Singhania, Atul’s wife; Nisha Singhania, his mother-in-law; and Anurag Singhania, his brother-in-law. Another accused, Sushil Singhania, is yet to be arrested. According to a press release by the police, Nikita was arrested on Saturday morning in Gurgaon, Haryana, while Nisha and Anurag were arrested in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.The police have produced the trio before the magistrate’s court, the court has remanded them to judicial custody.The arrests follow a coordinated effort by Bengaluru police, who sought assistance from their counterparts in Uttar Pradesh to locate the accused.Based on a complaint by Atul’s brother Bilas Kumar, the police registered an FIR against Atul’s wife and her family. They have been booked for abetment of suicide.
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