Bangladesh PM Hasina on poll-


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DHAKA: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who is expected to secure a fourth straight term in a one-sided general election, said on Sunday that she does not care about foreign media’s approval of the polls as for her acceptance to people of the country is the only important issue.

Hasina’s comments came after she cast her vote in the country’s 12th general elections, boycotted by the main Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).

According to the Election Commission’s initial estimates, the voter turnout is around 40 per cent but the figure could change after the final count.

The main opposition BNP boycotted the election to protest heavy handed tactics employed by the ruling party, including the arrest of various opposition politicians.

Instead, it called for a countrywide general strike.

It wants the “resignation of the illegal government, establishment of a non-party neutral government and release of all party leaders and activists from prison”.

Hasina’s government arrested tens of thousands of rival politicians and supporters, and rights groups have condemned this as an attempt to paralyse the opposition.

In response to a question on how acceptable the election will be (in foreign media) while the BNP is boycotting it, Hasina said that her responsibility is towards the people.

“Whether people accept this election or not it is important to me. So, I don’t care about their (foreign media) acceptance, no matter what the terrorist party said or not?” she said.

“I have to prove credibility. Right, but, to whom, a terrorist party? A terrorist organisation? No, I have my accountability to my people. (I think) whether the people accept the election or not, and that is important to me,” she said.

About foreign countries’ interference, she said her Awami League party does not bother who says what about the election.

“Bangladesh is a sovereign and independent country. It may be a small country, but it has a large population— I don’t bother who says what, as the people is our main strength,” she said.

The premier said they have ensured a conducive election environment confronting all the barriers.

“A conducive environment for election has been established. Your vote is very valuable, we struggled for the right to vote and I hope that all the voters will come to the polling centres and exercise their voting rights to continue the democratic trend,” she said.

Hasina expressed her gratitude to the people for their help in ensuring a congenial atmosphere for the election.

“There were so many obstacles and hurdles, but the people of the country were cautious about their voting rights. The national election is held every five years. And people will cast their votes freely and we have been able to create that environment,” she said.

About confidence in winning the election, she said, “InshaAllah, we will win the election…we will form the government. No doubt about it. We have faith and confidence in people that they will vote for Boat (her election symbol).”

Sheikh Hasina said BNP-Jamaat committed subversive acts by setting fire to trains, and buses and burning people to death to prevent the of holding a peaceful election, referring to arson attacks on trains on Friday night.

“The BNP-Jamaat clique does not believe in democracy and they don’t want the democratic process to continue. They don’t act for the welfare of the people,” she said. Follow channel on WhatsApp

DHAKA: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who is expected to secure a fourth straight term in a one-sided general election, said on Sunday that she does not care about foreign media’s approval of the polls as for her acceptance to people of the country is the only important issue.

Hasina’s comments came after she cast her vote in the country’s 12th general elections, boycotted by the main Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).

According to the Election Commission’s initial estimates, the voter turnout is around 40 per cent but the figure could change after the final count.googletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2′); });

The main opposition BNP boycotted the election to protest heavy handed tactics employed by the ruling party, including the arrest of various opposition politicians.

Instead, it called for a countrywide general strike.

It wants the “resignation of the illegal government, establishment of a non-party neutral government and release of all party leaders and activists from prison”.

Hasina’s government arrested tens of thousands of rival politicians and supporters, and rights groups have condemned this as an attempt to paralyse the opposition.

In response to a question on how acceptable the election will be (in foreign media) while the BNP is boycotting it, Hasina said that her responsibility is towards the people.

“Whether people accept this election or not it is important to me. So, I don’t care about their (foreign media) acceptance, no matter what the terrorist party said or not?” she said.

“I have to prove credibility. Right, but, to whom, a terrorist party? A terrorist organisation? No, I have my accountability to my people. (I think) whether the people accept the election or not, and that is important to me,” she said.

About foreign countries’ interference, she said her Awami League party does not bother who says what about the election.

“Bangladesh is a sovereign and independent country. It may be a small country, but it has a large population— I don’t bother who says what, as the people is our main strength,” she said.

The premier said they have ensured a conducive election environment confronting all the barriers.

“A conducive environment for election has been established. Your vote is very valuable, we struggled for the right to vote and I hope that all the voters will come to the polling centres and exercise their voting rights to continue the democratic trend,” she said.

Hasina expressed her gratitude to the people for their help in ensuring a congenial atmosphere for the election.

“There were so many obstacles and hurdles, but the people of the country were cautious about their voting rights. The national election is held every five years. And people will cast their votes freely and we have been able to create that environment,” she said.

About confidence in winning the election, she said, “InshaAllah, we will win the election…we will form the government. No doubt about it. We have faith and confidence in people that they will vote for Boat (her election symbol).”

Sheikh Hasina said BNP-Jamaat committed subversive acts by setting fire to trains, and buses and burning people to death to prevent the of holding a peaceful election, referring to arson attacks on trains on Friday night.

“The BNP-Jamaat clique does not believe in democracy and they don’t want the democratic process to continue. They don’t act for the welfare of the people,” she said. Follow channel on WhatsApp

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