
Omicron variant: WHO claims measures used to counter delta variant should be used

Omicron variant: WHO claims measures used to counter delta variant should be used


Measures used to counter the delta variant should remain the foundation for fighting the coronavirus pandemic, even in the face of ...

ED attaches assets worth more than Rs 13 crore of Shillong univ promoter, family in fake degrees cas-

ED attaches assets worth more than Rs 13 crore of Shillong univ promoter, family in fake degrees cas-


By PTI NEW DELHI: Assets worth more than Rs 13 crore of a Shillong-based university, its promoter chancellor and his ...

Adam Schulman & Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway Rocks Black Dress With Husband Adam Schulman – Photos – Hollywood Life


Anne Hathaway & husband Adam Schulman looked simply stunning on Thursday as they stepped out for a date night at ...


Belly Fat loss Do only this work in winter belly fat will loss you will also get rid of belly Fat brmp | Belly Fat loss: सर्दियों में करें सिर्फ ये काम, पिघल जाएगी पेट की चर्बी, लटकती तोंद से भी मिलेगा छुटकारा


Belly Fat loss: हम देखते हैं कि जब भी सर्दियों का मौसम आता है तो ज्यादातर लोग खाने-पीने में लिप्त ...

On Covid debate day, Lok Sabha productivity increased to 204 per cent-

On Covid debate day, Lok Sabha productivity increased to 204 per cent-


By PTI NEW DELHI: The productivity of Lok Sabha increased to 204 per cent on Thursday as the House sat ...

Stf arrested dev prakash pandey in up tet paper leak case

Stf arrested dev prakash pandey in up tet paper leak case


लखनऊ. यूपीटीईटी पेपर लीक प्रकरण इन दिनों उत्तर प्रदेश में टॉकिंग पॉइंट बना हुआ है. पेपर लीक मामले को लेकर ...

Portal on unsung heroes of freedom movement-

India is on its way to achieve population stabilisation, says Minister of State for Health-


By PTI NEW DELHI: India is on its way to achieve population stabilisation, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pravin ...


मयंक अग्रवाल की कामयाबी के पीछे द्रविड़ का हाथ, नए कोच के आने से मिल रहा ये फायदा| Hindi News,


नई दिल्ली: न्यूजीलैंड के खिलाफ दूसरे टेस्ट के पहले दिन नाबाद शतकीय पारी खेलने वाले मयंक अग्रवाल को इस बात ...

Adani, IRB Infra group to develop 600 km Ganga Expressway from Meerut to Prayagraj-

Adani, IRB Infra group to develop 600 km Ganga Expressway from Meerut to Prayagraj-


Express News Service LUCKNOW: Adani Enterprises and IRB Infrastructure Developers have emerged as preferred bidders for developing the around 600-km ...

Delhi's noise pollution as bad as its air but police turn a deaf ear to cars honking

Delhi’s noise pollution as bad as its air but police turn a deaf ear to cars honking


A doctor residing in Yamuna Vihar complains, “People just don’t seem to have any civic sense or road sense. To ...