“Towards the last lap of selection, I was told to hit the gym to take care of my body, and also to notice what I ate. So, at the age of 50, I went to the gym for the first time in my life. The chaplain captain rank is the outcome of all the hard work,” she said.Her uniformed position will allow Smriti to meet Australian soldiers and help them with their emotional well-being and provide spiritual support.The swearing in ceremony was attended by Smriti’s mother Shantha and her friend Dr Priya Sivadas, a paediatrician based in Sydney, besides her colleagues from her research laboratory, VivaZome Therapeutics, Melbourne. Her twin daughters Rishika Nair and Nikhitha Nair could not make it to the event as they are studying dentistry in James Cook University, in Cairns, Australia.Smriti had left for Australia after getting her PhD in cancer biology from the cancer research section at Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, in 2006. She has to her credit over 60 international publications on cancer research.
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