Australia sending multi-role frigate for Quad nation’s maritime exercise


Australia sending multi-role frigate for Quad nation's maritime exercise

NEW DELHI: The maritime forces of India and Australia are soon to engage in yet another round of exercise as Indian Navy (IN) and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) assets have continued with their series of engagements. Australia has moved out its frigate HMAS (Her Majesty’s Australian Ship) Stuart for the soon-to-be-held multinational maritime exercise Malabar.As per the Australian Department of Defence (DoD) the warship departed Darwin this week for Australia’s fifth Indo-Pacific regional presence deployment of 2024 and is slated to participate in Exercise Malabar in India, Exercise Singaroo in Singapore and will be joining amphibious ship HMAS Adelaide for Exercise Keris Woomera in Indonesia, as part of Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2024.The QUAD nation exercise Malabar 2024 is scheduled to be held in the second week of October and will also see the participation of the US Navy and the Japan Maritime Defence Force.The DoD said, “The West Australian-based frigate has a crew of approximately 200 personnel and an embarked MH-60R Seahawk helicopter – call sign ‘Scarecrow’.” HMAS Stuart is an Anzac Class long-range frigate capable of air defence, surface and undersea warfare, surveillance, reconnaissance and interdiction.During the deployment, HMAS Stuart will support Australia’s ongoing contribution to the security and stability of our region by working and exercising with partners, added the DOD, “The deployment will also include goodwill port visits and community engagements in countries throughout the region, as well as cooperative activities at sea with regional partners’ naval forces.”Australia’s Joint Force Maritime Component Commander, Commodore Jonathan Ley, said HMAS Stuart will make an important contribution to regional security while deployed. “Strong international relationships are the foundation for Australia’s response to shared security challenges,”

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