Rajnath Singh accused the Opposition of frequently insulting the Constitution. Without explicitly naming the Congress party, he criticised one party for allegedly attempting to hijack the Constitution.”Congress destroyed basic spirit of Constitution and words like protecting the Constitution do not suit them,” he said. He emphasised that the BJP deeply respects and adheres to the Constitution.During his speech in the Lok Sabha, Rajnath Singh referenced the autobiography of former Supreme Court Justice HR Khanna, Neither Roses Nor Thorns. Singh said, “Today, there are people talking about protecting the Constitution. But we must remember who truly respected the Constitution and who insulted it.”He recalled Justice Khanna’s statement in his autobiography, where he mentioned telling his younger sister about a judgment that would likely cost him the Chief Justice’s post. This occurred in 1976 during the ADM Jabalpur vs Shivkant Shukla case, where Justice Khanna delivered a dissenting judgment against the then Congress government. He firmly upheld the right to life and the right to approach the courts, refusing to allow the government to curtail these fundamental rights. For this, he paid a heavy personal price.
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