Atmosphere of permissiveness towards unleashing hate speech


Videos of 'Dharma Sansad' preaching violence against Muslims trigger outrage

Janhastakshep firmly believes that this is more than a case of some loose cannons firing by themselves; rather, these developments are a result of systemic and systematic effort at creating an atmosphere of permissiveness which seeks to rationalize and justify such dangerous utterances. Such permissiveness has been exercised at the level of politics and institutions such as the bureaucracy, the police, press and the Judiciary, including higher judiciary. These are supposed to check, restrain and punish such anti-social forces to defend the constitution.While the RSS bandwagon unabashedly pushes the agenda of subjugating the religious minorities to the Hindu majority, even the dominant parties of the so called secular opposition are playing in tandem by adopting a seemingly softer version of majoritarian agenda. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Bhagel justified the involvement of Congress leaders in organization of the Raipur ‘dharm sansad’ in the name of ‘preserving our ancient sanatan traditions.’Not only that it failed to take action on these developments on its own account, but till the time of writing, the Supreme Court, which ought to be the foremost custodian of the Constitution, was yet to act on the letter written by 76 prominent lawyers of the court to initiate a suo-moto action in the matter. The Central government can hardly be expected to rein in the Sangh Pariwar brigands with our ‘bairagi’ (ascetic) Prime Minister, and his home minister having exhibited their uncanny ability to add fuel to keep the communal cauldron boiling.

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