At UNSC, India may take neutral stand on Moscow’s claim on biological weapons-


At UNSC, India may take neutral stand on Moscow's claim on biological weapons-

Express News Service

NEW DELHI: Russia has accused the US of funding research into the development of biological weapons in Ukraine.

Russia’s Defence Ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said that the intent of such labs was to spread deadly pathogens. Though both Washington and Kyiv have denied these allegations, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) will hold an emergency meeting on these allegations later on Friday.

Dismissing Russian claims about the US having chemical and biological weapons labs in Ukraine as “preposterous”, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Russia could be preparing the ground for using such weapons in Ukraine or that it may be setting up a false flag operation using these banned methods of warfare.

ALSO READ | China amplifies unsupported Russian claim of Ukraine biolabs

What Russia says to prove its allegation will be known in a few hours from now. However, what is India’s reaction going to be after this session is over is worth mulling over.

Though India has maintained a neutral stand against all the sessions against Russia and has abstained from voting against them thrice in the UNSC. This time too India is likely to maintain its neutral stand.

It was with Russia’s support (PM Modi called up Russian President Vladimir Putin three times to urge him to consider a safe passage for Indians stuck in Ukraine) that enabled the safe exit of over 22,000 Indians from Ukraine. It is unlikely that India will go against Russia even this time around.

After the session is over, India’s Permanent Representative to the UN, TN Tirumurti, is likely to issue a statement.

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