Assam actor and husband detained in Rs 2,200 crore online trading scam


Assam actor and husband detained in Rs 2,200 crore online trading scam

GUWAHATI: Assam actor and choreographer Sumi Borah and her photographer husband Tarkik Bora have been detained by the police for their alleged involvement in a massive online stock trading scam reportedly involving Rs 2,200 crore.“The game is up for them. Compliments to the Team STF,” Director General of Police GP Singh posted on X on Thursday.The couple, from upper Assam, had surrendered in Dibrugarh after evading arrest for over 10 days. They were subsequently taken into custody by the Special Task Force (STF).The police had initially busted the scam by arresting Bishal Phukan, the 22-year-old kingpin, and his associate Swapnanil Das. Later, several others, including Tarkik’s brother Amlan Borah, were also arrested. Amlan was apprehended in Bihar.Sumi Borah had allegedly received expensive gifts from Phukan, who reportedly spent a significant amount at her lavish wedding in Rajasthan.On Wednesday, Sumi Borah announced via social media that she would surrender. She denied any involvement in the financial fraud and claimed she had been made a victim of media trials.During the police investigation, it was revealed that Phukan and his associates lured unsuspecting investors by promising a 30% return within 60 days. Initially, the scamsters gained trust by returning small investments with 30-50% interest. However, when investors put in larger sums, hoping for substantial returns, they did not receive their money back. Over 1,500 people were defrauded.Both Phukan and Das led lavish lifestyles, buying luxurious cars. Phukan presented himself as an industrialist, singer, and composer, while Das claimed to be an entrepreneur.Earlier, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma had warned the public to be cautious and avoid falling prey to such frauds.“I urge people not to fall into such traps. No one can promise 25% to 30% returns within 60 days,” Sarma had advised.

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