Asif Ali’s new film with 1001 Nunakal-fame Thamar KV has been titled Sarkeet. The makers unveiled the title along with a first-look poster, featuring Asif and child actor Orhan. Sharing the poster on social media, Asif called the film an “emotional tale of friendship, family, and heartfelt bonds.” In a recent interview, he shared that it’s a film for the kids, shot completely in the UAE. Its filming was only wrapped recently after 40 days of shooting.Sarkeet has Divya Prabha as the female lead. Deepak Parambol, Remya Suresh, Prashanth Alexander, Swathi Das Prabhu, Zhins Shan are also part of the cast. Aeyaz is handling the cinematography and music is by Govind Vasantha. Premalu actor Sangeeth Prathap is editing the film, produced by Ajith Vinayaka Films. The film has been confirmed as an April, 2025 release.Meanwhile, Asif’s latest release Rekhachithram has opened to a largely positive response. The film, a thriller exploring alternate history, is directed by Jofin T Chacko. Asif plays a cop in the film, which also stars Anaswara Rajan in a prominent role.Asif will soon start working on Jeethu Joseph’s Mirage, which also stars Aparna Balamurali. Debutant Sethunath Padmakumar’s Abhyanthara Kuttavali is his other film gearing up for release. Asif is also expected to resume shooting for Rohit VS’s Tiki Taka, which was temporarily halted following an injury he sustained during an action sequence.
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