The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of orchestrating an attack on former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during his campaign in the New Delhi constituency on Saturday. AAP claimed that BJP supporters, allegedly affiliated with BJP candidate Pravesh Verma, threw bricks and stones at Kejriwal while he was campaigning.Parvesh Verma is in the electoral fray against Arvind Kejriwal and Sandeep Dikshit of the Congress in the New Delhi assembly constituency.In a statement, AAP said on ‘X’, “Fearing defeat, BJP panicked and sent its goons to attack Arvind Kejriwal, attempting to prevent him from continuing his campaign. Despite this cowardly attack, Kejriwal ji will not be intimidated. The people of Delhi will give you a fitting response.” The party also shared a video showing the incident.The video posted by AAP also shows a crowd waving black flags near Kejriwal’s convoy during the incident.
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