After discussions with mithun owners and village chiefs, she discovered that 20-30 mithuns had been killed in road accidents over the past two years. “They also said the accidents started happening after the construction of the highway. But we need highways for connectivity and development,” she added.With no government scheme to protect mithuns, Niyang reached out to PWD (Highways) Pasighat division executive engineer Okep Dai for collaboration. “I spoke to him and asked if he could collaborate. He readily agreed and helped us procure the fluorescent collars,” she said.The collars, purchased from a dealer in Delhi for Rs 30 each, were distributed at an event to owners whose mithuns stray onto the highway. “This was my personal initiative. My next plan is to buy some more fluorescent collars and cover the cows too because they also get hit by vehicles on the highway,” Niyang said.The initiative has received an overwhelmingly positive response from locals and people in other districts.
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