Apple CEO Tim Cook said that Apple Intelligence will be rolled out in India this April along with other languages.“We are working hard to take Apple Intelligence even further. In April, we’re bringing Apple Intelligence to more languages, including French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and simplified Chinese, as well as localized English to Singapore and India,” said Tim Cook.Apple Intelligence was initially introduced in October 2024 with the iOS 18.1 software update for iPhones. It was initially only available in English (US), but it was later expanded to include localized English versions for the UK, Australia, and Canada.“We also set an all-time record for upgraders. According to a recent survey from Kantar, during the December quarter, iPhone was a top-selling model in the US, urban China, India, the UK, France, Australia, and Japan,” said Cook while speaking to analysts after Apple released its financial results for the fiscal 2025 first quarter.Apple CFO Kevan Parekh said that the company has seen strong demand in emerging markets like India. “For example, Zomato, a leading food ordering and delivery company in India, has deployed thousands of Macs across their workforce to foster innovation,” he added.Apple announced financial results for its fiscal 2025 first quarter that ended December 28, 2024. The tech giant posted quarterly revenue of $124.3 billion, up 4 percent year over year.
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