AP government issues GO transferring non-existing professor


Inquiries with Rangaraya Medical College authorities at Kakinada confirmed that no professor named Dr. Ashwini Dutt has joined there after getting transferred from Siddhartha Medical College. —  DC file image

VIJAYAWADA: There appears no end to anomalies in health department over transfers of doctors, the latest one being a non-existing professor of ophthalmology department in Siddhartha Medical College being transferred to Rangaraya Medical College in Kakinada.

Department of health and family welfare issued GO Rt No. 216 dated 23-03-2022 transferring and posting five professors in department of ophthalmology in compliance with norms that those completing five years of duty at a station must be transferred. The GO mentioned the names of five professors. Though there is no issue with others, the GO also listed Professor Dr. Ashwini Dutt , working with Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada, as being transferred to Rangaraya Medical College in Kakinada.


An assistant professor from the department of ophthalmology in Siddhartha Medical College said, “We do not know any professor working in our department by name Dr. Ashwini Dutt, leave alone such a professor being transferred from our college to another college in Kakinada. When we inquired with our senior faculty members about him, they said that no professor by that name ever worked in the college or even retired.”

Inquiries with Rangaraya Medical College authorities at Kakinada confirmed that no professor named Dr. Ashwini Dutt has joined there after getting transferred from Siddhartha Medical College.


Rangaraya Medical College principal Dr. D. Narasimham said, “No professor by name Dr. Ashwini Dutt has reported to duty at our college so far. There is also no communication from the professor whether or not he would report to work.”

Though the transfer of professors is taken up based on norms like preparation of a seniority list, holding departmental promotion committee meeting, counselling, and issue of GO by a competent authority, it is not known how the name of a non-existing doctor found its place in the GO as having been transferred.


Siddhartha Medical College principal Dr. D. Rajyalakshmi said, “I have to check with the concerned department whether or not such a professor is working.”

Some health personnel disclosed that a joint director cadre official in Directorate of Medical Education prepared the list of five doctors for transfer, including the name of a non-existing doctor. Accordingly, the GO got issued. They underline that this very official has continued to remain in his post without being transferred for a very long time.

Meanwhile, two professors identified as Dr. P. Viswamitra and Dr. V. Murali Krishna have moved out on transfer from Rangaraya Medical College to Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam and S.V. Medical College, Tirupati, respectively. With this, the ophthalmology department in Rangaraya Medical College is left with no professor. There is thus no head of ophthalmology department. This will have a major impact on teaching in the college and healthcare of patients in the attached hospital.


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