Angelina Jolie Advocates For Afghan Adjustment Act Amid Education Ban – Hollywood Life


Angelina Jolie

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Image Credit: John Angelillo/UPI/Shutterstock
Angelina Jolie is pleading with Congress to support the women of Afghanistan one day after Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers banned women from attending universities. She did so by sharing a heartbreaking letter from her “young Afghan friend” and encouraging Congress to support those affected. “I received a new letter today from my young Afghan friend. I’m protecting her name and identity for her and her family’s sake,” the 47-year-old actress began in her caption alongside the handwritten letter. More AboutAngelina Jolie

“Today the Taliban sent armed men to bar Afghan girls from going to university. It comes on top of a complete ban on high school education for girls,” the mom of six continued. “Afghanistan is now the only country in the world that bans education for women.” She then highlighted an excerpt from the female friend, who said, “All the girls wish that they were born as a boy so that they would have the right to get educated”.
The letter, which detailed how the order “saddened, depressed and broken the dream” of young Afghan girls, ended with a call to action. “The world only watches the news and speak about not liking these orders but don’t show any resistance or action,” it read. “I am asking you … Please make our sad voices and requests reach the world.”
Acknowledging that the world has supported the oppressed women of Afghanistan from afar, Angelina pleaded with policymakers in America to take action. “While supporting Afghan women in the face of this cruel, oppressive policy, there is more we can do to help Afghans who are rebuilding their lives in America,” she stated in her caption. “Congress has a chance this week to pass legislation giving a path to lawful permanent residence for Afghan families who were evacuated to the US when the Taliban took power, and to help almost 1,500 unaccompanied Afghan children who’ve been separated from their parents or primary caregiver. Please ask your Members of Congress to pass the bipartisan Afghan Adjustment Act.” Articles Trending Now

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Angelina Jolie has pleaded with Congress to support the women of Afghanistan by passing the Afghan Adjustment Act, despite the seemingly slim chance that it will be included in the upcoming year’s spending budget (Photo: John Angelillo/UPI/Shutterstock)Introduced in the Senate by both Democrats and Republicans in 2022, the Afghan Adjustment Act would allow Afghans to be protected to work and live in the United States as their applications for permanent legal status are processed. The act would also create a task force to create and implement a system to help relocate Afghan citizens into the United States over the next decade. In addition, it would give Afghans who served alongside U.S. forces to be given a special consideration as they apply for their Special Immigrant Visa.
Following the ban, which was effective immediately, social media was flooded with disdain for the order. Furthermore, several videos of male university students in Afghanistan protesting the order and even walking out of their exams in protest were published. Related Link


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Plus, many U.S. leaders and people of power aside from Angelina Jolie spoke out against the narrow mindset the Taliban hold. “The Taliban cannot expect to be a legitimate member of the international community until they respect the rights of all in Afghanistan,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said on Tuesday night, per ABC News. “This decision will come with consequences for the Taliban.”
Despite the uproar, it was reported on Monday that The Afghan Adjustment Act did not make the cut in this year’s government spending bill.
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