Andhra University launches Dean Van Leuven Centre for Peace Studies


Deccan Chronicle

Visakhapatnam: Andhra University has on Wednesday inaugurated the Dean Van Leuven Centre for Peace Studies, a groundbreaking collaboration with the US-based EQ4PEACE Institution. This new centre will serve as a leading platform for academic programs focused on emotional intelligence, anger management, and peace communication and conflict resolution. The centre will offer a diverse range of educational programmes, including certificate, diploma, and postgraduate courses. These programmes will equip students with essential skills in emotional intelligence and effective communication. Additionally, the centre will conduct research in peace communication and emotional intelligence and organise training programmes and workshops to enhance students’ emotional quotient and communication skills. A key aspect of this partnership is the involvement of EQ4PEACE, which will provide invaluable support in curriculum design, training materials, and faculty resources. The collaboration was formalised with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Prof. E.N. Dhanamjaya Rao, Registrar of Andhra University, and Matt Perelstien, director of EQ4PEACE. Prof. G. Sasibhushana Rao, Vice-Chancellor of Andhra University, was also present during the signing ceremony.

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