In a dramatic turn of events, the complainant (deceased’s husband) in the Pushpa 2 premier stampede case said that he is ready to withdraw the case after actor Allu Arjun was arrested and sent to 14-day judicial remand.”I am ready to withdraw the case. I was not aware of the arrest and Allu Arjun has nothing to do with the stampede in which my wife passed away,” M Bhaskar, the husband of Revathi, told the media.”My son wanted to watch the movie. I took him to the show, It was not his mistake to come there. Allu Arjun was not responsible for the incident. The police did not inform me about the arrest, I saw about it now and I’m ready to withdraw my case,” he added.The tragic incident occurred on December 4 during the screening of Pushpa The Rule at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. Chaos erupted when large crowds gathered to see the film’s star, Allu Arjun, who was present at the event along with music director Devi Sri Prasad. The theatre’s main gate collapsed in the ensuing turmoil, triggering a stampede. A 35-year-old woman tragically lost her life, while her 9-year-old son suffered severe injuries.Following the incident, Allu Arjun expressed his heartfelt condolences to the grieving family and shared his sorrow over the tragic loss. He also donated Rs 25 Lakh to the family.
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