“Attended the swearing-in ceremony of Hon’ble Governor Shri Ajay Kumar Bhalla Ji at Raj Bhawan today. I extend my heartfelt best wishes for his successful tenure and look forward to working together towards a peaceful and prosperous Manipur under his leadership,” Singh posted on X.Describing Bhalla as an intelligent and competent person, Singh highlighted the central government’s commitment to addressing Manipur’s challenges through Bhalla’s appointment.“I know Bhalla Ji. He is experienced. He held many important posts in Government of India administration. We appreciate Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji and Home Minister Amit Shah Ji for appointing Bhalla Ji,” Singh said.He added that both the people of Manipur and he himself were hopeful that Bhalla’s appointment would help restore peace in the state soon.Prior to Bhalla’s appointment, Assam Governor Lakshman Prasad Acharya had been holding additional charge of Manipur.
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