CHANDIGARH: Ahead of the Republic Day function, pro-Khalistani graffiti, slogans and flag were found on the walls of the Nehru Stadium in Faridkot where Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann was to unfurl the national flag on January 26. Following this, CM Mann will instead hoist the tricolour at a function in Mohali (SAS Nagar).Sources said that CM Mann was scheduled to preside over the Republic Day celebrations in Faridkot. But on Thursday morning, when the pro-Khalistani graffiti, slogans and flags were found on the walls of the Nehru Stadium in the town, it was decided to change the venue to Mohali.Punjab Assembly Speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan, who was supposed to preside over the celebrations at Mohali, will now preside over the Republic Day function at Faridkot.”After this incident, the state government decided on a change in the venue. Initially it was mulling to shift the venue to Patiala but later it was decided that the CM will be hoisting the national flag at Mohali,” said an officer on condition of anonymity.
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