The incident, which sent shockwaves through Mumbai and elsewhere and highlighted the vulnerability of even well-guarded celebrities, led to reactions from across all sectors.Film celebrities and politicians, including West Bengal Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee, Arvind Kejriwal and Chiranjeevi, expressed shock over the attack on Saif Ali Khan at his home in Mumbai with several others questioning the alleged lawlessness in the city.”It’s very concerning to hear about the attack on noted actor Saif Ali Khan. I pray for his speedy recovery, trusting that the law will take its course and those responsible will be held accountable,” Banerjee posted on X.”My thoughts and prayers are with Sharmila Di, Kareena Kapoor, and the entire family during this difficult time,” she added.Kejriwal said, “Shocked to hear about the attack on Saif Ali Khan. Wishing him a speedy recovery and strength to his family during this difficult time.”Kejriwal also slammed the BJP-led central government over the incident.”When the BJP’s double-engine government can’t ensure the safety of celebrities like Saif Ali Khan, what can the common people expect?” Kejriwal said during a press conference.”Such attacks are not new. There was a shooting outside actor Salman Khan’s house and the killing of Baba Siddique, who was BJP’s alliance partner, shows the law and order situation in the country,” he added.”The BJP-led central government must resign if it can’t protect our borders, country, national capital, and the people of India,” Kejriwal said.Maharashtra’s Opposition leaders said even celebrities were not safe in India’s financial capital and blamed Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, who holds the home portfolio, for failing to maintain law and order.NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar said the incident shows that the law and order situation is deteriorating in Maharashtra. “Recently, a person was killed in the same area and now this incident. All these things are worrisome,” Pawar told reporters at Baramati.In October last year, former state minister Baba Siddique was shot dead by three persons in Bandra area. Before that, in April last year, there was firing outside actor Salman Khan’s apartment building in the posh suburban area.Shiv Sena UBT leader and Rajya Sabha MP Priyanka Chaturvedi said the incident at Saif’s residence is another “high profile attempt on life” after the firing outside Salman’s home and the murder of Siddique.”The attack on Saif Ali Khan yet again raises questions on Mumbai Police & the Home Minister. This is after a series of incidents that show there is a deliberate attempt to undermine Mumbai by targeting big names…All in Bandra. An area which has the highest concentration of celebrities, which is supposed to have adequate security. If celebrities are not safe then who in Mumbai is? Wishing Saif Ali Khan a speedy recovery,” she wrote on X.Fadnavis responded by saying that the attack was serious but it would be incorrect to call Mumbai unsafe. “I think Mumbai is the safest among mega cities in the country. It is true that some incidents take place sometimes, and they must be taken seriously. But to say that Mumbai is unsafe due to such incidents is not right,” he said.Imtiaz Ali, the director of Saif’s 2009 movie “Love Aaj Kal”, shared a picture of the actor on Instagram Stories and wrote, “My brave brother.” Actor Raveena Tandon through her Instagram post wished the ‘Hum Tum’ star a speedy recovery and voiced concern about the increased crimes in Bandra locality.”Targeting celebrities and soft targets in what used to be a safe residential area has become rampant, with Bandra losing out to unruly elements. Accident scams, hawker mafia, encroachers, land grabbers and criminal elements racing on bikes phone and chain grabbing. Need stronger measures. Wishing you a speedy recovery,” she posted.Sonu Sood posted on X, “Saddened to hear about the unfortunate attack on Saif Ali Khan. My thoughts and prayers are with him for a swift recovery and a full return to health. Stay strong, brother.”
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