Importantly, Bhawna along with her three-year-old daughter Siddhi Mishra, have been BBBP brand ambassadors, an honour conferred upon her by the Department of Women and Child Development. Her daughter Siddhi made history in 2024 by becoming the youngest child (at the age of two years) to reach the Everest Base Camp alongside her mother, symbolising the campaign’s vision for empowering girls.Bhawna’s successful climb of the tallest peak in South America on January 22, 2025 happened six years after she climbed up to 6500 meters on the same mountain in 2019, but was compelled to turn back due to adverse weather conditions.According to Bhawna, the journey to scale the tallest peak of South America started on January 11, 2025 through the Horcones Valley Route, the classic and most popular path to ascend Mount Aconcagua.Starting from the Aconcagua National Park entrance, she and her team trekked to Confluencia Base Camp and acclimatised with a hike to Plaza Francia (4,300m). Over the next few days, they progressed through key milestones, including Plaza de Mulas Base Camp (4,300m), Camp Nido de Cóndores (5,365m), and Camp Colera (6,000m).Bhawna and her team faced extreme weather conditions, with temperatures ranging from -13°C to -27°C, during their summit push. They encountered significant delays due to severe weather, including waiting for two additional days at Base Camp and one extra day at Camp 2 before moving to Camp 3 the next day to prepare for the final ascent.The January 22 summit climb marks Bhawna’s fifth peak in her quest to complete the ‘Seven Summits’ – scaling the highest mountain peaks of each of the seven continents.
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