The BJP retaliated with its own poster, targeting AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal and labelling him “Sheeshmahal wale AAP-Da-e-Aazam.” The poster was captioned, “Thug Films Presents Sheeshmahal-dwelling AAP-da-e-Azam. Directed by Arvind Kejriwal.”The poster stated: “The people of Delhi have decided, AAP-Da-e-Azam of the Sheeshmahal has to be chased away” (Delhi ki janta ne thaana hai, sheeshmahal wale AAP-da-e-aazam ko bhagana hai).The BJP had coined the term ‘AAPda’ (disaster) to launch a scathing attack on the ruling party.The BJP has accused Kejriwal of spending Rs 80 crore on his official residence. Dubbed a “Sheeshmahal,” the party has publicly condemned the expenditure, calling it a misuse of public funds.The BJP also launched a song sharpening its attack on AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal on the issue of corruption, the song is titled “Sheesh Mahal Aapda Failane Walon Ka Adda.”
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