A Story of Change and Hope


Deccan Chronicle

Author Vijaya Sandireddy captivates readers once again with her latest release, “When the Mountains Moved.” Known for her ability to weave intricate narratives that explore deep human emotions and societal issues, Sandireddy’s newest book is already making waves in literary circles. “When the Mountains Moved” revolves around the lives of its characters with a poignant and thought-provoking storyline that promises to resonate with readers.What inspired you to write about a trek in the Himalayas as the backdrop for Preethi, Arjun, and Rishi’s journey?After my debut novel was released, I struggled with writer’s block while trying to shape my second novel. Then, fate intervened when I joined friends on a Himalayan trek. The journey was transformative. Reaching the peak after a challenging climb left me awestruck by the sheer emptiness around me. During the trek, I never expected it would profoundly influence my writing. The mountains demand your complete focus, leaving little room for anything else. When I returned, inspiration flowed effortlessly as if the mountains had woven themselves into my story. Looking back, I wonder: did the story lead me to the mountains, or did the mountains bring me back to the story?How do you think the themes of heartbreak and new beginnings will resonate with your readers, especially in the context of the pandemic?In these post-pandemic times, emotions have been heightened, particularly around loss and heartbreak. Many have experienced profound personal transformations and introspection, leading to new beginnings. Stories and books exploring these themes resonate deeply as they validate our feelings and experiences, reflecting both struggles and triumphs. They inspire hope and resilience, offering a sense of connection and understanding during challenging times.Your writing style is known for being simple yet evocative. Can you share any specific techniques you used to convey the characters’ emotions in this latest work?I firmly believe that when you have an idea for a story and start writing, the narrative should naturally evolve around that idea. If it doesn’t, I believe it’s best to take a break and return to writing later. I don’t adhere to any specific techniques for writing; I approach it in a non-technical manner, both in my writing and personal life.Without giving away too many spoilers, can you hint at what readers can expect from the love triangle between Preethi, Arjun, and Rishi?More than just a romance novel, ‘When The Mountains Moved’ explores the profound bonds of friendship, the exhilarating challenges of trekking, and the life-changing journey through the Himalayas. It delves into a tapestry of love, friendship, and self-discovery, aiming to captivate readers and keep them engrossed in the story.How did your experience as a Technology Leader at Infosys influence your writing process or the themes you explored in this book?Infosys has been my first and only workplace since graduating, much like a first love. The beauty of the Infosys campus has profoundly inspired my writing. The people I’ve met there, both colleagues and friends, have deeply influenced the characters in my novelsYour debut novel, “Bitten by Love,” was a bestseller. Did you feel any pressure to match that success with your latest work, and how did you handle it?The response to my debut novel has been incredible. Readers have connected deeply with the characters and shared how much they resonated with the story. I’m truly grateful for the love and support the book has received. Rather than feeling pressured by expectations, I’ve found inspiration in this feedback. In creative pursuits like writing, the best results often come when the process is organic and not overly planned.What do you hope readers take away from “When the Mountains Moved,” and how do you see it fitting into the broader landscape of Indian romance novels?When The Mountains Moved is a story filled with hope, love, friendships, and moments of introspection and self-discovery. I hope readers will connect with the emotional and challenging journeys of the characters, finding inspiration to embrace their own life’s path with courage and conviction. It’s a must-read for anyone seeking motivation and insight into the power of determination and friendship.Can you share any insights into your research process for the book, particularly in terms of capturing the beauty and majesty of the Himalayas?My journey to Hemkund in the Himalayas was transformative and deeply personal. The trek described in my book draws heavily from my own awe-inspiring experiences amidst the breathtaking mountains. I hope the vivid descriptions in the book captivate readers as much as I was captivated myself, inspiring them to forge their own connections with the mountains.How do you think Preethi, Arjun, and Rishi’s stories will resonate with readers who have experienced their own heartbreaks and new beginnings?Preethi, Arjun, and Rishi are relatable characters whose journeys through heartbreak and new beginnings resonate deeply with readers. The novel aims to inspire hope and resilience among those who have faced adversity, helping them rebuild their lives.What’s next for you as an author?I haven’t thought about my next novel yet. Right now, life is giving me so much to cherish. I’m hoping inspiration strikes me soon.

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