SBI Mutual Fund, India’s largest bank-backed mutual fund, boasts assets under management (AUM) of around Rs 11 lakh crore and offers a wide range of schemes to investors. With over 120 funds in equity, debt, and hybrid categories, the asset management firm has always been aggressive in its top strategy.
Here’s a look at the top five SBI Mutual Fund schemes based on their five-year performance.
1. SBI Health Opportunity Fund
Boat: Rs
Capital size: Rs 3,460 crore
Expense rate: 1.95 per cent.
5-year return (annualised): 29.73 per cent .
5-year SIP return: 28.54% .
If you invested Rs 10,000 per month through SIP five years ago, your investment would now be worth Rs 12.46 lakh.
2. SBI Contra Fund
NAV: Rs 381
Fund Size: Rs 41,907 crore
Expense Ratio: 1.50 per cent
5-Year Returns (Annualised): 29.17 per cent
5-Year SIP Returns: 30.35 per cent
A monthly SIP of Rs 10,000 over five years would have grown to Rs 13 lakh.
3. SBI Technology Opportunities Fund
NAV: Rs 138.15
Fund Size: Rs 39,432.5 crore
Expense Ratio: 1.89 per cent
5-Year Returns (Annualised): 27.79 per cent
5-Year SIP Returns: 26.04 per cent
Investing Rs 10,000 per month through SIP over five years would yield Rs 11.73 lakh.
4. SBI Small Cap Fund
NAV: Rs 179.93
Fund Size: Rs 33,285 crore
Expense Ratio: 1.57 per cent
5-Year Returns (Annualised): 27.17 per cent
5-Year SIP Returns: 26.86 per cent
With an SIP of Rs 10,000 per month, your investment would now be valued at Rs 11.97 lakh.
5. SBI Magnum Midcap Fund
NAV: Rs 238.83
Fund Size: Rs 21,455 crore
Expense Ratio: 1.67 per cent
5-Year Returns (Annualised): 27.02 per cent
5-Year SIP Returns: 27.09 per cent
An SIP of Rs 10,000 per month for five years would grow to Rs 12.04 lakh.
The past performance of these funds is not indicative of future results. Investors are advised to conduct due diligence and consult with financial advisors before making investment decisions.
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