Russia’s reported calls for military supplies, economic assistance put China in a fix


Russia's reported calls for military supplies, economic assistance put China in a fix

The White House has decided to make public its claim just as President Biden’s top security adviser is due to meet China’s most senior diplomat.It appears to be a tactical move, to put pressure on China; presumably to either confirm or deny it, the BBC reported.The bigger aim could be to try to make Xi weigh up the pros and cons to his current position of what was last week called a “rock solid” relationship with Moscow.It was just weeks ago, as the Winter Olympics opened in Beijing, that Presidents Xi and Putin declared a new alliance that had “no limit”.Military aid could, clearly, be part of that. But in the days after Russia’s invasion, China has condemned the UK, the US, and others for giving weapons to Ukraine’s military, saying they were adding “fuel to the fire”.If the US intelligence assessment is correct and Beijing follows through on that request, then they too would be “adding fuel”, the BBC reported.

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