Russia’s Ukraine war underlines urgency of United Nations reform


Russia's Ukraine war underlines urgency of United Nations reform

The problem is that there is no unanimity among the P5 to remove Russia. While some members of the US Congress are in favour, the White House is not considering such a step. “We don’t see that happening,” spokeswoman Jen Psaki said at a news conference when asked about Ukraine’s request to remove Russia. She clarified that “we are not considering taking steps that would put us in direct conflict with Russia.”So in such a situation, member countries, particularly those plugging for SC expansion, have intensified their demand for speeding up the reforms. The pro-reform countries include India, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, and even the United States.Conflicts like the present Ukraine crisis revives whether the UN has been relevant or not. The pro-reform lobby argues that today’s UN is hugely different from the United Nations of 77 years ago.. From just 51 countries in 1945, the UN membership has grown to 193 today. They argue that the UNSC is increasingly becoming irrelevant to match the realities of the 21st-century world. Members seek the expansion of SC to be more representative and inclusiveThe UN has not been effective in overseeing the Multi-lateral system for many reasons. For instance, the P5 countries escape any sanctions even when they violate international law. The UN came into being to prevent conflicts and war, yet over 80 conflicts have emerged since its inception.Under its watch, several authoritarian rulers have used conventional weapons against innocent citizens. UN is also facing a resource crunch because members, including the US, do not pay their contribution in time.However, UN supporters believe that the world body has served its purpose by and large. The very fact that it has survived despite the ups and downs shows it has performed within the restraints. Most of all, there has been no nuclear war in the past 77 years. However, the Ukraine conflict makes it dangerous with Putin threatening to use Russia’s nuclear power.Perhaps it is time that the UN will speed up its reform process to make it more effective. It needs more teeth and sufficient funds to play its role as an influential international body. (IPA Service)Views are personal.

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