In December 2021, a question by Congress Rajya Sabha member KC Venugopal to the Minister of External Affairs on whether NRIs living abroad were harassed at airports and sent back, and if they were asked by the authorities to stop helping the farmers’ agitation, was provisionally admitted and scheduled to be answered on December 2, but dropped from the final list of questions for the day.In Lok Sabha, once the notice for questions is received, ballots determine priority. Starred, unstarred and short notice questions are entered into software, separately. Next, the questions are examined for admissibility under Rules 41-44 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha. The ministries and departments have been divided into five groups (I to V) that have been allotted Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays respectively, so that each minister has one fixed day in the week for answering questions in Rajya Sabha and another day in Lok Sabha.
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