As per the exit polls, BJP is likely to win between 225 and 325 seats out of the total 403 in UP.“If exit polls come true…It will not be less than a miracle,” said a UP watcher.Senior journalist-cum-farm activist K P Malik, who belongs to the Jat community, quipped, “TV media namak ka karj chuka rahi hai.”Malik, who covered the farmers’ protests as well as the UP polls extensively, alleged that most of the agencies were offered money by the ruling party.“Who knows the tally was prepared at the behest of the BJP…Will anyone hold these agencies accountable if and in case their predictions prove wrong?” asked Malik.He said the Election Commission should ban the exit polls. “These surveys are done with an aim to misguide the people. EC should take steps to ban them.”Expressing her shock at predictions shown by the exit polls, Amrit Gill, spokesperson of Punjab unit of the Congress said that the predictions shown by the television media will fall flat.“Whether it is Punjab or UP, exit polls will prove wrong,” she said.Talking to NH, Gill said, “People want to throw BJP out of power everywhere. Exit Polls predicted AAP’s victory in the Punjab polls but I believe this is not the reality.”“AAP does not represent Paujabiyat. Where was the AAP when Congress activists and government supported farmers’ protest?” she said. An average of 10 exit polls predicted a comfortable win for AAP in its first Punjab.The exit polls gave AAP 63 seats in 117-seat Punjab, with the majority mark at 59. If this happens, AAP will take power in the first full state; Delhi, where it has been in power since 2015, is partly under the Centre.The ruling Congress has been predicted to finish second with 28 seats in the assembly, as per the exit polls.
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