My Aadhaar has my picture by mistake!


My Aadhaar has my picture by mistake!

I woke up one morning, glanced at the news, and shrieked: Union ‘Heckling Amazon’ Minister, Piyush Goyal, had had a face transplant! Did Amazon owner Jeff Bezos put out a supari for him? The only other person in the house came rushing into the room and said “What? Cockroach?” “Worse,” I croaked, and thrust my smart phone into his hand.He gazed at the ad announcing that Goyal would grace some event or the other, and blinked when he saw that it carried a photograph of the Dear Leader instead of Goyal. Then he stalked out of the room muttering dark things about megalomania. Social media bubbled with mirth all day, and my favourite tweet was by Asif Rahman, who cheekily said, “My Aadhar has my picture by mistake.”A few days later, the weary nation saw an ad announcing that Vice President Venkaiah Naidu would be addressing an event, and once again, the only photograph featured was of the Dear Leader. No one was shocked anymore, but there were a few grumbles about a breach of protocol. I mean, imagine if UK ads replaced photographs of the Queen with those of PM Boris Johnson cuddling corgis?

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