Uproar in Haryana Assembly after introduction of anti-conversion bill-


Uproar in Haryana Assembly after introduction of anti-conversion bill-


CHANDIGARH: The Haryana government on Friday introduced a bill in the state assembly against religious conversion through force or fraud, triggering an opposition uproar.

Speaker Gian Chand Gupta also suspended Congress MLA Raghuvir Singh Kadian for the remaining part of the budget session for tearing a copy of the bill in the House.

The Congress members staged a walkout in protest against Kadian’s suspension.

Home minister Anil Vij introduced the Haryana Prevention of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Bill, 2022, on the third day of the budget session.

After the bill was presented, Kadian alleged that it reflects “divisive policies”.

Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said there was no mention of any religion in the bill and it only talks about forcible conversions.

Congress members then rose from their seats, objecting to some remark by Khattar.

Kadian tore the copy of the bill, inviting the wrath of the Speaker.

When Kadian said it was a simple paper, Gupta insisted that the bill was a legal document and asked the Congress member to express regret over his act, saying he will not allow such behaviour in the House.

Gupta then suspended Kadian for the remaining part of the budget session.

The Haryana Prevention of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Bill prohibits religious conversions which are effected through misrepresentation, force, undue influence, coercion, allurement or by any fraudulent means or by marriage by making it an offence.

The bill provides for declaring marriages, which were done solely for the purpose of conversion from one religion to another religion, null and void.

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