President Zelenskyy speaks to Modi, seeks support at Security Council-


Ukraine President Zelenskyy declines US offer to evacuate Kyiv-

Express News Service

NEW DELHI: Hours after India abstained from voting on a US-sponsored United Nations Security Council resolution deploring Russia’s “aggression” against Ukraine, the beleaguered country’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Saturday spoke with PM Narendra Modi and sought India’s political support at the Security Council to stop Russia’s military offensive.

India’s ministry of external affairs said the PM expressed deep anguish about the loss of life and property. Modi reiterated his call for an immediate cessation of violence and a return to dialogue and expressed India’s willingness to contribute towards peace efforts.

“(The) Prime Minister also conveyed India’s deep concern for the safety and security of Indian citizens, including students, present in Ukraine. He sought facilitation by Ukrainian authorities to expeditiously and safely evacuate Indian citizens,” the MEA said. 

Zelenskyy in a tweet said he informed Modi “of the course of Ukraine repulsing Russian aggression.” “More than 100,000 invaders are on our land. They insidiously fire on residential buildings. Urged India to give us political support in UN Security Council. Stop the aggressor together!” he said.

At the UN Security Council, India called for immediate cessation of violence and hostilities and asserted that dialogue was the “only answer” to settling disputes. “It is a matter of regret that the path of diplomacy was given up, we must return to it. For these reasons, India has chosen to abstain on this resolution,” said India’s Permanent Representative to the UN, T S Tirumurthi during the explanation of vote. India is in touch with all sides to return to the negotiating table.

The UAE in their EOV said “the serious developments in Ukraine undermine regional and international peace and security. Throughout the crisis, my country has consistently called for de-escalation and dialogue we have placed great hope in the various diplomatic initiatives and channels aimed at resolving the crisis.”

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