US Indo-Pacific strategy to back India’s ‘rise, regional leadership’ in countering China


US Indo-Pacific strategy to back India's 'rise, regional leadership' in countering China

“Obviously, India’s role in the Quad, I think, is a very significant element of that, including the much-enhanced ability to speak frankly about issues in the region; to work together to deliver, you know, essentially, public goods that address, you know, challenges in the region, and to enhance ways in which we can coordinate.”The strategy document promised to “bring together our Indo-Pacific and European partners in novel ways, including through the AUKUS partnership”.”We will foster security ties between our allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond, including by finding new opportunities to link our defence industrial bases, integrating our defence supply chains, and co-producing key technologies that will shore up our collective military advantages,” it added.Highlighting the challenge from China, the strategic plan said: “We will focus on every corner of the region, from Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia, to South Asia and Oceania, including the Pacific Islands.”In a quickly changing strategic landscape, we recognise that American interests can only be advanced if we firmly anchor the United States in the Indo-Pacific and strengthen the region itself, alongside our closest allies and partners.”Injecting a note of urgency, the document said: “Our collective efforts over the next decade will determine whether the PRC succeeds in transforming the rules and norms that have benefitted the Indo-Pacific and the world.”The document noted that many of the US allies and partners are also focusing on the region and support for enhancing US involvement in the region has support in the US across party lines.The document acknowledges that the US illusions of changing China into a responsible democracy through engagement are dead.”Our objective is not to change the PRC but to shape the strategic environment in which it operates, building a balance of influence in the world that is maximally favourable to the US, our allies and partners, and the interests and values we share.”We will also seek to manage competition with the PRC responsibly,” but will cooperate with Beijing in areas like climate change and nuclear non-proliferation,” it said.

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