9 border pillars along Nepal-India border swept away by rivers-


9 border pillars along Nepal-India border swept away by rivers-


KATHMANDU: Nine border pillars along the Nepal-India border in Kailali district have been swept away by Karnali and Mohana rivers, officials here said on Wednesday.

Along the 101-kilometre long border stretch in Kailali district, there are 18 border outposts of the Armed Police Force, which inspect, monitor, and provide security to the pillars along with the security of the border.

“Two main and seven minor pillars along the border with India in Kailali district were washed away by Karnali and Mohana rivers,” APF officials said.

APF deputy superintendent Dhan Bahadur Singh said nine out of the 283 border pillars that the force is looking after were swept away by rivers this year.

Kailali Chief District Officer Kiran Thapa said the work related to the pillars swept away and those needing reconstruction and repair will be done as per the decision of the Nepal India Joint Border Mechanism.

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