These centres will be established in Rajasthan’s Bikaner, Madhya Pradesh’s Bhopal, Maharashtra’s Nashik, Latur, and Mumbai, and Gujarat, Odisha, Kerala, and Faridabad in Uttar Pradesh.”We plan to have such centres in every district of the country. Each centre will require a space of 150-200 square feet and will be staffed by trained counsellors,” she said.Rahatkar said she has also urged district collectors to support the initiative by putting up hoardings and banners, and distributing brochures in universities, offices, and marriage registration venues.”We have prepared well, but as we move forward, new issues will emerge. We plan to engage with colleges and create social media platforms to reach a wider audience,” she said.The initiative will be launched in collaboration with the Akhil Bharatiya Abhivakta Parishad, a lawyers’ body.The NCW will host an event on March 8-9 in Chhatarpur to honour over 1,200 women advocates.On the occasion of International Women’s Day, on Saturday, the NCW will also organise a special exhibition in Parliament to honour 15 women who played a pivotal role in the drafting of the Constitution.
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