Yadav, while sending his resignation to the AAP National Convener Arvind Kejriwal, said the ruling party had deviated from its founding principle of “honest politics.” “I dedicated my entire life to politics and worked under your leadership with utmost honesty and dedication. I made every effort to realize your vision and also contributed 100% to fulfilling the responsibilities given to me. However, today, the party has drifted from its core ideology, and good people who want to work honestly are being sidelined, while those involved in corrupt practices are being given a place in the organization,” he said in his letter.Yadav further said that the AAP is no longer what it was founded for. In such a situation, he no longer wishes to be a part of the party. Hence, he resigned from the primary membership of the party with immediate effect.Reacting to the setback, the AAP said it is a widely loved party with many able and well-educated candidates aspiring for tickets. This time, some MLAs were denied tickets, leading to dissatisfaction, it said. For the past few weeks, BJP members have been constantly approaching AAP MLAs who did not get tickets this time, luring them with various offers, promising positions, power and incentives, the party alleged.“Kejriwal’s true soldiers will stand with the AAP till their last breath because they didn’t enter politics for positions like MLA, Councilor, or Minister—they joined to serve the nation, no matter what role they are given. Under his leadership, AAP gave tickets to ordinary individuals from humble backgrounds and made them MLAs. This is only possible in the AAP—elsewhere, it takes a lifetime just to become a councillor,” the party said in a statement.
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