No doubt, International star Priyanka Chopra has reportedly surpassed her B-town rivals Deepika Padukone and Janhvi Kapoor by charging Rs 25 crore for her upcoming untitled with superstar Mahesh Babu. Earlier, Deepika Padukone reportedly pocketed Rs 13 crore for ‘Kalki 2898 AD’, while Janhvi Kapoor drew a pay check of Rs 10 cr plus for her role in ‘RC 16. “They are no more just actresses and they have become celebrities of sorts and have evolved into a brand of their own and bound to seek their pay, although I would avoid talking about their individual paychecks,” says producer Lagadapati Sridhar, who dissect director S S Rajamouli working style in the last two decades and also his meteoric rise across the world. “Earlier, he took upcoming actresses like Bhumika (Simhadri), Priyamani(Yamadonga) and Anushka Shetty (Vikramarkudu), Shirya Saran(Chatrapathi) and made them stars. But he signed up Bollywood diva Alia Bhat for ‘RRR’ since his stature has gone pan-India after ‘Baahubali’. With the worldwide blockbuster ‘RRR’, he is now working with Priyanka Chopra who is an international celebrity and Hollywood actor. Rajamouli is set for a pan-world globe-trotting forest adventure with superstar Mahesh Babu and their pairing would be breathtaking,” he adds.He claims that bigger names like Deepika Padukone and Janhvi Kapoor also do international brand endorsements and also have millions of followers on social media. “Apart from films, their brand endorsements takes them close to viewers and popularize them worldwide and they carve niche for themselves,” he says and adds, “Now, their 10 or 20 million followers each on Instagram or X is an intangible asset and creates a new chunk of viewership which enhances their brand equity. So remuneration is a mix up of all these factors and I don’t think Telugu makers would mind it,” he points out.While T-town actresses like Kajal Agarwal, Tamannah, Rashmika and Mrunal Thakuar are reportedly drawing Rs 4 crore per film and definitely far behind B-town divas in this context.
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