Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday will table the Economic Survey for 2024-25, offering a glimpse into the state of the Indian economy, a day ahead of the Union Budget presentation.The survey, an annual document prepared by the Ministry of Finance under the guidance of the Chief Economic Advisor, provides a snapshot of the country’s economic health for the current financial year and outlines a path for policymakers in the year ahead.With the economy facing challenges—slowing GDP growth, weak consumption and private investment, and difficulties in employment generation amid the rise of AI and automation—the Economic Survey is expected to address some of these pressing issues.While the finance ministry and its officials maintain that the Economic Survey is prepared independently and does not influence the Budget, it offers insights into potential developments to come.Last year, the Economic Survey had forecasted a lower growth rate of 6.5-7%, below the 7.2% projected by the RBI. The theme of the survey was economic resilience and had set the tone for the policies were proposed in the 2024 Union Budget.
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