SRINAGAR: The ruling National Conference (NC) on Thursday said they are hopeful that statehood to Jammu and Kashmir would be restored during the budget session of parliament beginning tomorrow.“Dual power system is not good for any place. It weakens the institutions,” senior NC leader and MLA Tanvir Sadiq told reporters.He said a huge mandate has been given by the people in the Assembly polls and it should be respected.R“People have big aspirations and they want their work to be done. However, in the dual power system in J&K, there are some issues and some works are facing hiccups. We have to correct it”.“For this reason, we are demanding early restoration of statehood,” said Tanvir, who is a close aide of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah.“We hope that statehood will be restored in the budget session. If that happens, we will be able to address the public issues. We would try to resolve the issue of unemployed youth and daily wagers and it will be resolved only when statehood is restored”.He said they are happy about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks at Sonamarg while inaugurating the Z-Morh tunnel.“PM said in Sonamarg that promises made by Modi are not false,” he said.
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