NEW DELHI: Within three months, the number of registrations for different challenges under the first World Audio Visual & Entertainment Summit (WAVES) has increased from 5,000 to 75,000, officials said.The information and broadcasting ministry, host of the mega event, has launched 19 ‘Create in India Challenges’ for freelancers and professionals from around the world, and the rest 12 are exclusively for Indians.“We have a great season 1 of ‘Create in India Challenges’ going on. Global entries are coming from around the world for international challenges and they will also become part of the WAVES awards,” an I&B official said. “Three more challenges have also been introduced.For season 1, we have got humongous response — close to 2 lakh impressions and more than 75,000 viable registrations. It has become a herculean task for associations to filter those applications. This shows the potential this country has in terms of creators,” the official said.The summit, which was scheduled for early February 2025, has been postponed to April. To ensure maximum participation and shore up the scale of the event, the I&B ministry has been reaching out to industry leaders in the country and abroad. I&B Secretary Sanjay Jaju recently went to the US to discuss WAVES. Similar events are planned in Singapore and Japan. Exhibition spaces are ready and sessions on AVGC (animation, visual effects, gaming and comic) and digital media have been planned. Besides world leaders in the media and entertainment industry, Indian start-ups are also being approached.
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