BHOPAL: The Enforcement Directorate conducted searches at multiple locations across Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday as part of a money laundering investigation into a milk products company and its promoters-directors. They are accused of supplying adulterated milk products both domestically and internationally.The ED conducted searches at multiple premises related Jayshri Gayatri Food Products Pvt Limited, its promoters and its directors in the state capital Bhopal, adjoining Sehore district and Morena district of the Gwalior-Chambal region.The searched premises included the company’s manufacturing unit in Sehore district, the premises of the promoters and directors in Bhopal, besides related premises in Morena district.The searches were carried out six months after the state’s economic offence wing (EOW) had conducted similar searches at the premises related to the same private company and its officials at multiple places in MP.The searches were part of the investigations into allegations about the concerned company manufacturing and selling adulterated milk products. It has also been alleged that milk products were being exported to more than 20 countries, including countries in South East Asia, the Middle East and Africa, using fake laboratory reports.The EOW has already registered a case of cheating, forgery and conspiracy to use forged documents as originals.According to informed sources, there is also information about the company having made major payments to some entities in an African nation.
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