PATNA: In an embarrassment to the Nitish Kumar-led NDA government in Bihar, Union Minister Chirag Paswan on Wednesday backed to the hilt the demand for cancellation of BPSC exams held last month.Paswan, whose Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) is an NDA constituent but not a part of the government in the state, said he learnt about “irregularities on a large scale” in the exams from close relatives who were among the more than four lakh candidates.”Many members of my family, my nieces and a nephew, took the exams. I have learnt from them the shocking lapses that took place,” said the Hajipur MP when he was asked about his stand on the Combined Competitive Exams held on December 13.Paswan said he was told “at many some centres, question papers were not available in adequate numbers. So, these were printed after the tests had officially begun. After a short while, these question papers were for all to see on social media platforms like WhatsApp and X.”The Union minister lambasted the BPSC authorities for turning a deaf year (‘kaan mein tel daal ke pade hue hain’) to these complaints and asked that “why did the commission order re-examination for one of the centres if it was so sure that all was fine?”.
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