WARANGAL: Despite multiple attempts, the ₹9.5 crore tender for transporting sediment from Bhadrakali Lake in Hanamkonda has been temporarily cancelled after failing to attract bidders. For the first time in 50 years, officials initiated sediment removal, issuing two tenders: Digging and loading: ₹3.49 crore (₹53 per cubic metre), transportation of 5.85 lakh cubic metres of sediment: ₹9.5 crore (₹162.56 per cubic metre). With no bids received by the January 17 deadline, officials reissued the tender with a revised deadline of January 27, but still received no applications. As a result, the tender has been put on hold. The lack of interest has raised concerns over further delays in sediment removal. Irrigation officials are now considering relaxing tender conditions to attract contractors. Meanwhile, the digging and loading contract saw interest from two contractors. Their bids are under review, and the contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder. The issue has been escalated to the district collector and higher authorities. A high-level meeting will determine whether a fresh tender will be issued for sediment transportation, with possible modifications to encourage participation.
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