Saxena asked the Delhi chief minister to rise above “narrow interests” and refrain from making “misleading, dangerous, and baseless statements” for the sake of public welfare and peace.Later, a BJP delegation, led by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Haryana CM Nayab Singh Saini, also approached the EC seeking its direction to bar Kejriwal from campaigning for the February 5 Delhi Assembly polls for his “dangerous statement” with implications for India’s federal structure.The delegation requested the EC to ask Kejriwal to retract his charge and apologise for creating “panic” among people.They also demanded legal action against him.Following the meetings, the EC sought factual evidence from Kejriwal to substantiate his allegation, and reminded him of legal provisions that can lead to up to three years’ imprisonment for “mischievous” statements against national integration and public harmony.In a letter to Kejriwal, the Election Commission (EC) sought by 8 pm on Wednesday the nature and extent of the chemicals used for “poisoning” the Yamuna which could have killed people in large numbers, as claimed by the AAP chief.
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