A battle of ideology is going on and on one hand there are the BJP-RSS people who spread hatred an on the other hand is the Congress and its ideology, he said.”The best way to explain it is that ‘nafrat ke bazar mein mohabbat ki dukaan kholni hai (spreading love to counter hatred). We do not want an India filled with hatred and fear, we want ‘mohabbat ki dukaan’,” Gandhi said.””RSS-BJP makes brothers, people of different castes and religions fight against each other. Then there is (former Delhi CM Arvind) Kejriwal, who had a small car when he came and declared that he will indulge in a new kind of politics.He had climbed an electric poll and promised to transform Delhi,” the former Congress chief said.”But when the poor people needed him, he was no where to be found, when there was violence in Delhi, he was nowhere to be seen. He (Kejriwal) talked about clean politics and the biggest liquor scam took place in Delhi and you saw his home…I was thrown out of my house by Modi ji, I handed them the keys and said you can keep it. Kejriwal ji stays in sheesh mahal,” Gandhi said.He asserted that a fight is ongoing to protect Ambedkar’s Constitution.Lashing out at the media, Gandhi said it does not show people’s issues but is more interested in the Ambani wedding.”Youth have no jobs, you can’t breathe in Delhi but media shows Modi ji’s face, Ambani wedding and Adani’s airports,” the Congress leader said.He alleged the BJP wants an India that is run by billionaires while the Constitution talks about equality.
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