PATNA: Senior JD(U) leader and party spokesperson Neeraj Kumar on Tuesday dismissed rumors about Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s son, Nishant Kumar, joining active politics, terming them baseless and misleading. Neeraj asserted that such speculation was unfounded and being spread by Nitish’s political rivals.”The talk about his son entering politics is just a baseless rumor circulating in political circles,” Neeraj said, emphasizing that neither Nitish Kumar nor Nishant had expressed any interest in the matter. He further claimed that certain sections of the media perpetuate these rumors periodically to target Nitish Kumar.Neeraj accused Nitish’s opponents of spreading such speculation out of fear of the chief minister’s honesty, simplicity, and political acumen. Despite these denials, a section of JD(U) leaders has openly expressed support for Nishant’s potential entry into politics. Bihar Rural Works Department Minister and senior JD(U) leader Ashok Choudhary, a close confidant of Nitish, stated on Monday, “If Nitish wants, Nishant can join politics. Even my daughter Shambhavi Choudhary is in politics. So what is wrong with it? I will welcome it if Nishant joins politics.”Similar sentiments were echoed by senior JD(U) leader Shravan Kumar, who hails from Nitish’s native district, Nalanda. However, Nitish Kumar faces a potential moral dilemma in allowing his son to enter politics, having frequently criticized RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav for promoting family members in political roles. A political analyst remarked that, unlike other leaders who advance their children in politics without hesitation, Nitish’s decision may not come easily.Nishant himself has largely avoided commenting on politics, except for a recent statement that hinted at political undertones. During a function in Bakhtiyarpur, Patna district, where he and his father paid tribute to freedom fighters, Nishant appealed to voters, saying, “If it is possible, please vote for the JD(U) and my father, and bring him back. My father has done good work for Bihar.” His remarks on January 17 fueled speculation about a possible political debut.Sources within JD(U) revealed that some party leaders are keen on Nishant joining politics, fearing the party could face internal conflicts once Nitish retires. However, others believe that Nishant’s entry is unlikely as long as Nitish remains active in politics.Families have historically played a significant role in regional and national politics. For instance, RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav controversially appointed his wife as Bihar’s chief minister following his resignation during the fodder scam. Despite these precedents, sources suggested that Nishant’s launch in politics would remain improbable until Nitish Kumar decides to step down from active political life.
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