NEW DELHI: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday said that 360 ‘Vibrant Villages’ along India’s land borders would have 4G connectivity by June this year. He was interacting with special guests from those villages — including sarpanchs, deputy sarpanchs, women entrepreneurs and students, who have been invited to attend the Republic day parade on Sunday.Shah added that out of the 662 ‘Vibrant Villages’, 474 of them will have on-grid and 127 villages will have off-grid electrification. He said these initiatives are part of the government’s mission to transform the villages through “a bottom to top approach”.Shah underlined that these initiatives focus not only on building essential infrastructure like roads, railways, and air connectivity, but also to reduce the ‘Dil ki Doori’ between Delhi and such villages.Shah discussed with them the significant strides made under the initiative, underscoring that it marks the beginning of a shift in mindset and approach towards rural development.“The Vibrant Village programme is the beginning of a change in mindset. If we go into the details of this programme — roads are being constructed that lessen the physical distance between two places and also enhance communication. Roads, railways and air connectivity will also be there. But, most importantly, this programme is more about reducing ‘Dil ki doori’ and ‘Mann ki doori’ between Delhi and your villages,” Shah said.
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