HYDERABAD: In a major breakthrough, the special teams investigating the January 16 Afzalgunj shootout obtained pictures of the armed robbers from CCTV footage at Dosa King restaurant opposite Roshan Travels.According to two eyewitnesses, Mohammed Sajid and Mohammed Asif, both employed with Roshan Travels, a robber opened two rounds on the conductor Mohammed Jahangir. Soon after having lunch at Dosa King, the robbers approached the travel agency to find out about where they could buy trolley bags. Asif asked them to try at shops in the Madina hotel lane.Reportedly, Jahangir, Asif, Sajid and others identified the robbers from the CCTV footage caught on cameras at the restaurant.The robbers had come to the city after killing an ATM security guard in Bidar and had escaped with Rs 93 lakh booty.Meanwhile, police confirmed that the assailants had used a country made 7.65 mm pistol in both shootouts.During investigation, the police learnt that Manish, the robber who had opened fire, belongs to an interstate gang that is involved in extortion and loot in Bihar, Pune, Mumbai, UP and Karnataka. The two criminals, Manish and Amit Kumar (the name given at Roshan Travels) wanted to book tickets to Raipole from where they intended to enter Nepal.The probe teams collected crime data of the robbers and their associate gangs from the crime records bureau of Bihar and other states and circulated the same to immigration authorities and border security wings at Nepal and Bangladesh, police sources said.It is reported that over 30 history sheeters and habitual offenders from five states involved in similar cases have been detained for questioning.“We are not supposed to reveal much about the progress as it would hamper the investigation process. Moreover, the culprits would try to cross the national borders”, an investigation officer said.
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