Hyderabad: Health minister Damodar Raja Narasimha inaugurated a dialysis centre at Makthal area hospital in the presence of local MLA Vakiti Srihari here on Wednesday. Prior to that, the minister reviewed the site for a proposed 150-bed hospital in Makthal.Speaking to the media, he announced plans to expand the existing 30-bed facility into a modern 150-bed hospital, for which Rs 45 crore has been allocated. It will also provide CT scan services. The works are expected to be completed within a year.To improve access to dialysis treatment, 18 new centres have been established across the state in the past year, and 89 additional machines have been added to the 20 existing centres. New dialysis units have been approved for Devarakadra, Makthal, and Atmakur.A vascular centre is also planned for Mahabubnagar at a cost of Rs 7 crore to support dialysis patients. Additionally, Makthal will also have a trauma care centre to handle emergency medical cases.The minister underscored the need to improve education opportunities for girls in areas like Makthal. He said a nursing college will be set up in the town.
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