Election analyst Mohd Shahnazar shared his insights with this newspaper, stating, “In this local body election, the Congress party is under pressure from three fronts. The emergence of rebels contesting in several seats, the departure of key members from the party, and poor electoral management have left the party leaders feeling a certain psychological strain. In the Dehradun Municipal Corporation alone, 38 rebel candidates are proving to be a headache for the official Congress nominees.”In the current scenario, the Dehradun Municipal Corporation comprises 100 wards, with the Congress party contesting elections in all of them. However, 38 of these wards are witnessing rebel candidates from within Congress, posing a significant challenge to the party’s official nominees. In the previous local body elections, Congress managed to secure victory in only 34 wards. Meanwhile, the Bharatiya Janata Party dominated the elections, winning in 60 wards and establishing control over the board, while independent candidates emerged victorious in six wards
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