The BJP, which recently enrolled over 43 lakh members in Haryana, is in the midst of an organisational overhaul. Elections for booth and mandal chiefs have concluded, and polls for district presidents are expected to commence soon.While Badoli was previously a strong contender for re-election, the allegations have now cast doubt on his continuation. Party insiders suggest the elections for the state president’s post might be postponed until after next month’s civic body polls.“There is no announcement regarding the state president’s elections yet,” said a senior party leader on condition of anonymity. “The party wants the investigation by the Himachal Pradesh Police to conclude first, and the reason for his `false’ implication to come to light before conducting the elections.”Meanwhile, potential successors to Badoli have emerged, including former MP Sanjay Bhatia, ex-minister Manish Grover, Ajay Gaur, and senior leaders Krishan Bedi, Archana Gupta, and Surinder Punia.Sources claim that while Badoli’s close ties with Chief Minister Saini may work in his favour, the controversy has prompted the party to tread cautiously. “It remains to be seen if he continues as state president and for how long,” remarked a party insider.The BJP is likely to await the investigation’s outcome before making any decisions, as both internal and external pressures mount.
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